COVID-19 Risks and Safety Assessment: combined rankings for healthcare and government efficiency

In its Wednesday review of South Korea that covered its stock market, Boerse Online, a German stock market magazine, reported:
"Over the past 50 years, the Seoul stock exchange has given an impressive leading performance. It would be hard to top that. But the country is definitely well situated. The East Asian Republic also mastered the COVID-19 pandemic in an exemplary manner. The think tank Deep Knowledge Group ranks South Korea as the third safest country in the world for COVID-19. Korea's leading index KOSPI is now higher than it was before the coronavirus outbreak."
Boerse Online primarily provides information on German and international stocks, reporting mainly on fundamental market and stock analyzes, trading strategies and trading models.
The Deep Knowledge Group’s COVID-19 Regional Safety Assessment had been covered since the announcement of its first edition by The Korea Herald (in June), and by KBS World, Arirang and other regional media in South Korea, and noted in Deputy Prime Minister’s Hong Nam-Ki post on Facebook with a reference to the Forbes article about the latest update of the Safety Assessment in which South Korea’s rank moved up from 10th to 3rd place. Two days later, in an online meeting of 20 world finance and health ministers, Hong Nam-ki (who is also Finance Minister) claimed that “the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation and contactless solutions in businesses and society” as reported by Yonhap news. He also “briefed participants about South Korea's stimulus packages to recover from the pandemic. In July, South Korea said it will invest 160 trillion won (US$137 billion) by 2025 under the bold stimulus package that could create 1.9 million jobs and kick-start the coronavirus-hit economy. Unlike conventional infrastructure projects, the deal features 28 projects that will transform the nation's fossil fuel-reliant economy into an eco-friendly one and increase state investment in artificial intelligence and fifth-generation (5G) telecommunication services. During the online meeting, G-20 ministers admitted vulnerability in coping with the pandemic” - says Yonhap News.
The COVID-19 Risks and Safety Assessment is a detailed work by Deep Knowledge Group, which is based partly on long-term research into the Longevity market performed by its subsidiary, Ageing Analytics Agency, and numerous reviews of the frontier technologies markets and geo-economics issued by another of the Group's companies - Deep Knowledge Analytics. The Group's unique research framework, developed as a result of compiling 35000 data points and applying to it Big Data analysis, goes far beyond the usual factual reporting in newspapers regarding the number of cases, but rather, gives a comprehensive snapshot of the current state of safety against the pandemic and ability to cope with its implications in a proper manner.
Coronavirus not only affects nations’ health but also reveals an acute need for efficient policies, prudent long-term economic planning, and short-term measures aimed at addressing both the immediate health safety, and the short-term well-being of households. The necessity of advancing the next-generation tools for combined assessment of healthcare, the health safety of the aged population (though not only), and financial stability is becoming apparent.