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Shift in global paradigm:

Shift in governmental services:

  • Corona crisis management

  • Rising citizens’ expectations of governmental efficiency

  • Large state budgets exclusively for the implementation of digital services delivery

  • Large companies understand the importance and the opportunity to modernize government services

  • Democracy mechanisms are exhausted (e.g. possibly manipulated Brexit votes)

Effective public-private partnerships through sharing technologies, expertise and tools


Contact tracing, e-health, online learning, remote work.

Digital ID, tax simplification.

Agile service management: online people-centric transactional services (e.g. business registration) based on real-time data analytics.

E.g. GovTechStart by Amazon

Online voting, post-election digital audit, government-only cloud environments.

Asian GovTech startups will rise dramatically and achieve global prominence.

Extensive usage of AI, drones, blockchain, robots, etc. will increase the resilience of national economies, state data,  healthcare, educational and security systems.

GovTech Market Size:




Predictions Regarding the Government Outlook in 2030

Forecasts of trends that would have the greatest impact on the public sector in the next 10 years:

The government will shrink and a set of nonprofits will emerge to complement traditional city services. These nonprofits will be more compact, more flexible, and able to adapt to emerging issues that worry residents that traditional government organizations are either unaware of or too slow to address. — Jordan Sun, Chief innovation officer for the city of San José, California, Innovation officer and major with the US Army

A New Non-profit Model

Blockchain Voting

If governments moved their records to the blockchain, it could dramatically improve the voting process by ensuring that every vote is counted while reducing voter fraud. It could also greatly simplify voting by eliminating the need for people to manually queue at the polling station. — Dr. Emmanuel Fombu, Physician, Entrepreneur

Own Digital ID

Unique digital identities for citizens can leverage the quality of services and stimulate financial and social inclusion by giving citizens access to unimpeded services in health, education and other government programs. A system based on a single digital identifier can help citizens improve the quality of service by anticipating their needs and personalizing public services. — Pat Howard, Offerings and solutions leader for Deloitte’s Government and Public Services practice

More City Collaborations

One way to tackle resource scarcity for cities is to co-create solutions in their regions, with other similar cities at the national level, with the private sector and, in some cases, with the federal government. — Gabe Klein, сo-founder of Cityfi, Former transportation director for cities of Chicago and Washington, D.C., Author of Start-Up City

GovTech Predictions 2022-2024


There is more momentum than ever behind the idea of digitalization of core facets of infrastructure in order to benefit both people and the planet.

Inclusivity & Green recovery


E-commerce raised customer expectations;

Open Data


Data protection and digital inclusion policies;


Investment boom, driven by the pandemic.

Collaborative ecosystem


Public-Private partnerships;


B2B2G for smaller companies to gain access to large public contracts.

Key drivers & benefits of GovTech implementation

Reduction of time & costs

Сost and budget pressures drive 38% of public sector digital transformations (UK: 56%);


60% less case-handling effort through automated processing; 50% less citizens’ time spent.


Citizen experience


37% of government bodies cite citizen demands as the primary driver of digital transformation (Canada: 64%);


Maturing organizations are nearly twice as likely as early-stage organizations to be driven by citizens’ demand for digital transformation.




Open Data empowers innovators to use public information to transform public services;


By 16 July 2021 EU Member States have to adopt Open Data Directive.


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